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Actor Training Retreats

The only training of its kind in the world.

Immersive, craft enhancing and game changing. 

Our actor training retreats in North Wales are designed to challenge you, guide you, remind you and connect you so you can show up time and time again for yourself and your work with ease, boldness and honesty.

You will train in the studio and in the great outdoors, a unique and powerful combination which will guide the learning even deeper into your neurology so it's with you wherever you go.

Some retreats will require you to have completed our foundational programme, others won't. If you're unsure, do get in touch. 

Applications close 10 weeks before

To be notified of application windows opening you must register your interest in the retreat you're curious about. 

Our Foundations

We run two types of Retreats - Some courses that are Open to ALL and Both Feet exclusives for people who have completed foundational training with us.  Check out the tabs at the top of retreats to know which retreats are best for you.


Our Extended Programme

Quality is at the heart of our training, we want you to have the best. So, we've teamed up to work with the best.

Book a free 15minute chat with Steph

Coming Up...

  • Mar 09, 2025, 5:00 PM – Mar 18, 2025, 1:30 PM
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    "I felt like I saw myself, and was seen, for the first time in my life. There is not a human on this planet who would not benefit from doing this." Please register your interest in this retreat by RSVPing below to be the first to know when booking opens.
  • Mar 23, 2025, 4:30 PM – Mar 27, 2025, 11:00 AM
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    Register your interest now. Applications close 9th February 2025 Are you wanting to feel more confident in front of the camera? Join us for a 4 day immersive retreat experience which will enrich your craft and your life.
  • Apr 06, 2025, 4:30 PM – Apr 09, 2025, 6:30 PM
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    So you've done Parts 1 & 2 - now it's time to take our learnings into text work!
  • Apr 20, 2025, 4:30 PM – May 01, 2025, 2:00 PM
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    Register your interest now. Deadline is 9th February 2025 Early registration is highly recommended.
  • May 19, 2025, 12:00 PM – May 21, 2025, 6:30 PM
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    We all know how good a stretch feels. Get yourself registered. (Only open to actors who are in training with Steph)
  • Jun 23, 2025, 12:00 PM – Jun 25, 2025, 6:30 PM
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    Register your booking to start the application process.
  • Jul 21, 2025, 4:00 PM – Jul 28, 2025, 11:00 AM
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    Please register your interest in this retreat by RSVPing below to be the first to know when booking opens.
  • Aug 04, 2025, 4:00 PM – Aug 07, 2025, 6:30 PM
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    DEADLINE TO REGISTER: 23rd June Register now and we'll be in touch to start the application process.
  • Aug 07, 2025, 6:00 PM – Aug 10, 2025, 6:30 PM
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    Please register your interest in this retreat if you're hoping to join the cohort.
  • Mar 08, 2026, 4:30 PM – Mar 17, 2026, 12:00 PM
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    "I felt like I saw myself, and was seen, for the first time in my life. There is not a human on this planet who would not benefit from doing this." Please register your interest in this retreat by RSVPing below to be the first to know when booking opens.
  • Date and time is TBD
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    Be the first to receive notification of the next dates - register your interest now. Are you wanting to feel more confident and bring your joy and ease to every tape and audition. Join us for a 2.5 day immersive retreat experience which will enrich your craft and your life.
  • Date and time is TBD
    Corwen, Bodlondeb, Corwen LL21 0NY, UK
    Be the first to receive notification of the next dates - register your interest now. Are you wanting to feel more confident with a different accent and have a technique to help you with any accent you have Join us for a 5 day immersive retreat experience which will enrich your craft and your life.
Both Feet Retreats blog
both feet studio and accomodation hire.jpg

New Courses

We add new courses all the time. Each course is tailored to the needs and desires of the Both Feet Community.  Got a course idea?

Let us know!  We want your input!

Actor Reviews
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"This lady is one of the most hard working,

badass people out there.

This course sounds amazing - any of my acting friends out there who haven't worked with Steph or who have any want to try something different, should definitely give this a go."

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Nathan Graham

"I thoroughly enjoy training with Both Feet because they give you the safest environment to thrive, fail and push boundaries."

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"Do this actor pals... outdoor adventures meets some of the best training you can find meets campfires and stars and rivers and paddle boarding and... did I mention campfires?

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"I've been working with Both Feet Actor Training for about five years now.  They have not only changed me as an actor but my whole perspective of it too.  They are sooo amazing! If you are a working actor or just starting your journey I urge you to look at this."

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