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Announcing: Both Feet LIVE is here!

Writer's picture: Both FeetBoth Feet

During lockdown I created Both Feet LIVE. The first one was mostly sharing scenes we'd been working on and the second was completely unscripted with a live musician.

It was a lot of fun and we had tonnes of beautiful feedback.

"Really lovely work. Unscripted work is beaut. Brave and incredibly real *applause*"

~ Jamie, audience member

"Moving, hilarious and inspirational on so many levels"

~ Grace, audience member

"Inspired Zoom show, exciting work and cleverly executed pieces."

~ Kayley, audience member (I had not met her yet, she's since been training with us!)

Ever since then I've wanted to bring a similar concept (but not the same) to the stage so I am super excited to announce our first of many Both Feet LIVEs.

Monday 6th May, 7pm

@ The Kings Arms, Salford


NB Already Nearly Fully Booked!

Both Feet work from the inside out - we challenge, unfold and share - and Both Feet LIVE is a reflection of that process. We’ll be bringing what happens on the inside of our training space to you on the outside which has never been seen before. 

The work people do in class is exquisite and we often say phwa, this should be seen.

Both Feet LIVE isn’t about sharing a polished piece or perfection, it's about the exploration, rawness and vulnerability of the journey whilst still being excellent viewing. We'll be welcoming you into a space where the doors are usually closed.

I am always keen to move boundaries and explore possibilities so I'm still unsure how this evening will unfold. There may be little scripted snippets, there may not.

Most of it will be unscripted so no one knows what will happen, not even the actors. 

Why don't you come and find out what we're all about?

I'd love to see you.

Steph x

Our fabulous actors will be announced shortly.


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