Both Feet
We want the arts industry to be a level playing field so we strive to do whatever we can to help breach the gap of inequality in our industry.
This industry deeply needs your voice and your presence and we'd love to be a part of supporting and guiding you through refining your craft.
How it works
Each scholarship is awarded based on an honest application reflecting your circumstances and commitment to the training.
At present we are without funding or subsidy so our scholarships are a big investment for us.
Only apply if you are genuinely in need of the financial help.
​All we ask in return is your commitment to the course dates and that you write/film a blog at the end of the process.
To be eligible for any of our training, you must be seriously working towards your acting career.
How to apply
Fill in the Scholarship Application form
Specify the retreat (including dates)
Please note: Scholarship deadlines are the same as the application deadlines:
For trainings of 3 days or less:
Applications close 6 weeks before the start date.
For trainings longer than 3 days:
Applications close 10 weeks in advance.
What happens next?

We take scholarships very seriously because we can only afford to do a few so we want to ensure that places are going to people who passionately want to invest and maximise the opportunity.
We will read all applications and narrow them down and then if you're a finalist, you'll receive an e-mail asking you to send a short video to say why you want the place. If you need help, advice or have any questions, please send us a message via the contact box below.
Words from Daisy Grace Smith
An Actor Connects 12 Day Retreat scholarship
"My experience at both feet acting was something I never expected. We were welcomed in with open arms, and I instantly felt a connection to the space and the people. I loved that we cooked and ate together, cried and laughed together.
I’ve made memories I will never forget.
I pushed myself beyond limits I didn’t even realise I had.
There was lots of challenges and I had to look in the mirror and see every part of myself, even the ones I have hated for so long. But Steph showed us how to embrace this and use it to create magic!
The exercises I have done with Steph have left me completely open to myself and my capabilities. The Meisner technique is truly incredible and will change the way you work as an actor for the better. Even in the smallest of situations I find myself using what I learnt on the course, and I have never felt more supported to continue my journey as an actor with all I have learnt from Steph.
Not only did I leave a better actor, I left as an even better version of myself that I am so proud of. This wouldn’t have been possible without Steph and the intro to Meisner Course. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I am forever grateful for this experience."
Words from previous scholarships

Do you want to sponsor a place for a deserving actor?
We want to be able to give as many scholarship places as possible to try and breakdown the barriers of all types of inequality. We offer full scholarships, half scholarships and part scholarships to courses, classes and retreats. At present over 90% of the places we offer are funded by Both Feet which is a very small company. We want to do more. If you want to help Both Feet in our efforts in any small way, it could go a long way to helping deserving actors from all backgrounds gaining access to high quality, affordable training.