Working With Text
Text work doesn't have to be daunting, it can actually be super fun if you're willing to move through the sticky stuff to create a way that works for you.
Join us, we'll do it together.

Feel confident.
Breathe life
back into
your craft
Build your confidence
Refresh & refine your technique
Receive guidance
Connect with other actors
Practice sight reading
Feel the difference.
A text analysis should work for you. With you even. It should be so easy it doesn’t require stress, worry or a struggle.
Join us as we work through a beautiful 3 step text analysis based on the work of Sanford Meisner.
As part of this process, we’ll also look at preparation, free writing starting points and how a text analysis will follow on from one scene into the next.

The timeline
When? 6.30-8pm on the following dates...
Monday 11th Nov Welcome!
Steph will remind you of the text analysis process, give you some pointers and answer any questions. Generally it’ll be good for you to see each other too, to give you some accountability and a reminder of the community. We’ll read through our first scene.
Tues 12th, Wed 13th and Thurs 14th Nov
Q&A and discussion, read the scene through again.
First read of the next scene.
Friday 15th Nov
Q&A and discussion, read the scene through again.
Round up and reflections.
How will it work?
We’ll read through the scene in pairs.
You’ll go away and do your text analysis (you could do one of the characters or both, it’s up to you).
You’ll receive my text analysis (not to show you what’s right but simply as a reference point)
We’ll come together, read the scene again and discuss / Q&A
Repeat with four scripts in total.
A text analysis should work for you. With you even. It should be so easy it doesn’t require stress, worry or a struggle.
It should start in the head and then drop down into the body - how do we help it drop into the body so it's not a load of info swimming in your head?

Your Coach
Stephanie Morgan
Steph is a director, Meisner specialist, certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, HeartMath Coach and mBIT (Multiple Brain Integration Techniques) Master Coach. She has worked and coached actors all over the UK and across the seas. Steph genuinely cares and is invested in you.